"Your skin is an organ that is
expected to be not only healthy, but also lovely and


Q. “I'm on Retin-A™ therapy for acne and my face is dry, cracked, peely, and crumbly. Do you have any advice?”


The people who make Retin-A™ are forever coming out with a less irritating version. They’ve been changing their product for about the last 15 years, each time promising less irritation. At this time they’ve come out with the .04 microgel, but I expect another version in the future. The problem with Retin-A™ and other acne therapies is that they can be very drying. Differin™, Retin-A™, Tazorac™, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, Proactive™, glycolic acid, Accutane™, and many acne therapies can make the face dry and irritated to the point that the patient becomes very frustrated and wants to quit. Parents have difficulty with teenagers because they may refuse to use the acne medications. Acne companies please take note: This dryness problem indicates a depleted skin barrier and tolerable acne therapy should address this depleted skin barrier. Here is my advice: Think ABC 1 + 2 Therapy. First #1: Moisturize the depleted skin barrier and all of its dryness and irritation. Second #2: Treat the acne by appropriate acne meds. ABC 1 + 2.

ABC 1 + 2 Therapy allows acne patients to use acne medications to their maximum potential. But caution: A dry and sensitive face is very different from the body when it comes to moisturizers. The facial moisturizer must be 100% petrolatum free, 100% mineral oil free, and 100% propylene glycol free. Here is my best advice for patients on acne therapy: Continue therapy, but ask your dermatologist about true moisturization. I suggest twice a day cleansing with True Moisture® Clinical Lipid Therapy® Rinse Optional Cleanser C to remove bad oils and leave good. Cleanse first thing in the morning and before your nightly routine. Then, either a half an hour before or after you apply your acne meds, apply True Moisture® Clinical Lipid Therapy® Gentle Facial Lotion. This facial lotion is ABC safe and will not block acne-prone pores. In the end you should see less dryness from your acne medications.

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